Underfloor Insulation

A well-insulated floor is an important component of a home or building that provides energy efficiency, thermal comfort and reduced heating and cooling costs. Underfloor insulation prevents heat loss through the floor by trapping air at the sub-surface level and reducing thermal bridging between floors. It also helps to reduce external noise and improves the overall feeling of comfort and wellbeing within a property.

Insulation is available in a range of different forms to suit your requirements and budget. Foam board insulation, for example, is a popular choice as it offers good thermal performance while being lightweight and cost effective. It can be installed in new homes or under concrete slabs and has a long lifespan. Fiberglass and polyester are other common types of insulation available for underfloor applications. These are available in the form of insulation batts, rolls or loose-fill. They are both non-combustible, with polyester being more moisture resistant than fiberglass.

Before installing any insulation, it is important to carry out a thorough inspection of the underfloor space to check for issues such as rot, pests, moisture and wiring. It is also worth installing a vapor barrier to stop moisture from entering the underfloor area and damaging your new insulation.

Fitting underfloor insulation is relatively straightforward and an ideal DIY project, although you may wish to engage a professional to ensure the job is done properly. The insulating material is then nailed to the joists with the gaps and seams sealed and the surface of the floor is covered with plywood or fibre-cement sheets.