Drug Addiction and Recovery Guide

Who Does Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Affect?

Alcoholism and drug addiction are quite common in today’s society. Some estimates have shown that over twenty percent of the United States population battles with some form of drug addiction,Drug Addiction and Recovery Guide Articles alcohol ism or substance abuse problem

Drug addiction and alcoholism bring only destruction, sorrow, and pain, it affects not only the addict, but also the people in his/her life. Hurting friends and family, drug addiction also permeates professional settings. Employees with drug addiction or alcohol dependency problems hurt businesses and create aggravating and possibly unsafe work environments.

Many untrue myths on the origins of drug addiction and alcoholism continue to circulate. Some attempt to pinpoint the social groups most affected. Others attempt to recognize drug addiction and alcoholism as an illness or a moral defect. These falsehoods perpetuate unnecessary confusion, fear, and shame. Drug addiction or alcoholism does not appear in any particular component of society. It affects every socio-economic class, ethnicity, and gender. There is no reason to label drug addicts with untrue stereotypes, and there is no need to fear them. At some point everyone struggles with life’s hurdles and needs help from others. Drug addicts and alcoholics are no different from anyone else. No one chooses drug addiction or alcoholism; rather, drug addiction and alcoholism steals from him/her.  online rehab program