How to Select the Right Voiceover for Your Video Project

The demand for video content is growing, but many businesses struggle to reach their audiences. The problem often lies with the voiceover, which can make or break a video’s impact. A professional voice over can make a video that would otherwise feel flat and boring come alive, drawing viewers in and making them want to learn more about the product or service being offered. But it’s important to know when to use a voiceover and how to select the right one for your video project.

A voiceover is the recorded spoken text that accompanies visual images on a screen in film, television, or web video. It can also be used in audio-only recordings such as podcasts and radio. are usually read from a script so it’s important for the voice actor to have a good understanding of what is being asked of them. A re-hearsal with the client prior to recording is often recommended. This allows the voice actor to test their pronunciation and ensure they sound as natural and natural-sounding as possible. It’s also an opportunity to ask the client if there is anything they need to clarify, for example if any technical or niche words are causing confusion.

When choosing a voice actor, look for someone who has the voice characteristics and abilities that match your video’s script and tone. Depending on the type of video, you may need a warm and friendly everywoman voice or a cheeky and playful character. The same goes for the language used; it’s important that a voice actor speaks in a dialect and accent that will resonate with your target audience. For example, if you’re producing an explainer video about makeup that targets Gen Z, you might want to consider a young female voice with a UK English accent.

Another thing to remember is the need for a high-quality recording. A professional voice-over studio will have a soundproof room with acoustic foam to help eliminate any unwanted sounds and improve clarity. A home or office recording studio will typically be much cheaper, but if you’re going to invest in a home recording setup, be sure to set aside some time for sound proofing and testing your microphone to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Once you’ve recorded your video, it’s important to listen through the finished product to check for any errors in speech or pacing. This is a good time to identify any long silences, unclear or awkward phrasing and other problems that can be fixed with editing software.

Using a voiceover agency to record your video is often the best option as they can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. They have experience working with a wide range of clients and projects from TV and radio commercials to corporate videos and eLearning. They can also provide native language voice overs to help you overcome language barriers and reach wider global audiences.