Kratom Capsules Review

MIT 45 Black Label Capsules contain kratom extract, a plant known for its invigorating effects and ability to elevate mood. This supplement also contains ginger root powder and black pepper extract, which improves kratom bioavailability to create a more consistent experience.

Swogger says many of the kratom-related calls to poison centers involve people mixing it with other substances that are associated with deaths, including acetaminophen, benzodiazepines and opioids.

Pain Relief

Traditionally, Mitragyna speciosa has been used in Southeast Asia as a pain reliever and energy booster. It acts as a mild stimulant at low doses and creates a sedative or euphoric high at higher ones. In some cases, kratom has been used to alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms and to treat depression or anxiety.

The FDA has not approved kratom as a drug and warns of possible side effects, including addiction. But the agency has not yet given it the status of a controlled substance, as some advocates have called for. They argue that a middle road should be found that allows kratom to remain available while more quality research takes place. They also note that kratom is unlike most other drugs, with both opioid and nonopioid mechanisms of action and in animal studies a low risk of stopping breathing, which is the primary cause of death for many other opioids.

Until more scientific proof is available, experts caution that anyone who suffers from chronic pain, depression or anxiety should speak to a health professional for help. They recommend a variety of natural, safe alternatives for pain management such as yoga, acupuncture, exercise and CBD products. And if someone has an addiction to kratom or another drug, they should call American Addiction Centers to learn about detox and treatment options that are in-network with most private insurance companies.

Mood Enhancement

Many people use kratom as an antidepressant, though it isn’t FDA-approved for this purpose. It acts as a mild opioid and has sedative properties, so it can treat anxiety and depression by reducing stress levels and increasing mood.

Mitragynine and 7-a-hydroxymitragynine are compounds in kratom leaves that interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing feelings of pain relief and pleasure. At higher doses, kratom produces stimulant effects. In one study, oral doses of mitragynine produced giddiness, loss of motor coordination, and tremors of the extremities and face in human volunteers.

Taking high doses of kratom can cause psychosis, which is why it is important to start with low doses. It is also a strong inhibitor of cytochrome P450 3A4 and 2D6, so it can interfere with some prescription medications, including opioid painkillers and antidepressants.

It is unclear whether kratom can be used as a replacement for other antidepressants, and it is important to discuss any changes in your medication with your healthcare provider. Regardless, if you are using kratom to manage depression or anxiety, it’s important to find a trusted source and buy from a vendor with a money-back guarantee and lab-tested products. You should also avoid mixing kratom with alcohol, as it can produce adverse reactions. The sedative effects of kratom can cause people to breathe more slowly, and they may not get enough oxygen to their brains.

Digestive Comfort

Many people take kratom for digestive relief. The leaves of the tropical Mitragyna speciosa plant have stimulating and sedating properties that soothe nausea, constipation and diarrhea. They also produce feelings of calm and well-being. In addition, they act as a mild opioid. This means they bind to opioid receptors in the brain and block pain signals. However, unlike prescription opioids like morphine and oxycodone, kratom does not cause addiction or overdose.

Some kratom users report feeling drowsy and nauseous after taking a large amount of the drug. In these cases, they may need to cut back on their usage or consider taking a smaller dose. Others may need to change the way they consume kratom, focusing more on capsules instead of chewing the leaves.

Kratom is not regulated, so it’s impossible to know how much of any active ingredient is in each dose people buy and use. Because of this, kratom can have extremely variable results. It can also be contaminated with opioids like fentanyl, which can be fatal. For this reason, it’s important to always have a sober friend around when using kratom, and to carry naloxone or a fentanyl overdose kit in case of an accidental overdose.

Despite the admitted unknowns, many kratom users say that the benefits of this natural remedy outweigh the risks. If you’re struggling with a substance or alcohol use disorder, reach out to a treatment team for help. They can help you understand your addiction, develop healthy coping skills and build a stronger recovery.


Aside from Kratom capsules, you can also take other substances to enhance or potentiate the effects of this plant. These products are often referred to as kratom potentiators or bioavailability enhancers and are intended to increase the effectiveness of kratom by either reducing the tolerance or enhancing the desired effects. Typically, these types of supplements are used in conjunction with kratom, or taken on days when consuming kratom is not possible.

Depending on the strain, kratom’s primary alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, can produce stimulant or opioid-like effects in a dose-dependent manner. High doses tend to cause sedation, depression and decreased breathing, while low doses are associated with energy, talkativeness and increased physical activity.

Researchers have also discovered that kratom’s alkaloid composition varies significantly between harvests, geographical areas and seasons. For example, researchers have found that the concentration of the plant’s main alkaloids, mitragynine, differs between red and green kratom samples derived from different regions in Thailand. This variation could be due to the fact that some of the kratom’s remaining trace components are also pharmacologically active, or it may reflect placebo or expectancy effects elicited by marketing, customer reviews and hearsay.

In light of these risks, primary care providers should think twice before recommending kratom to patients. If you’re struggling with addiction, you can seek help through FDA-approved treatments like buprenorphine, methadone and naltrexone.