Lawyer Hattingen

About Rechtsanwalt Hattingen Real estate attorneys can help clients navigate the complex and ever-changing legal landscape of commercial real estate. They can assist with issues such as financing, acquisition and sale of property, development, zoning, title insurance policies and more. They may also be able to help with landlord/tenant law and foreclosures.

Laurenz Theinert arbeitet als Medienkunstler und verbindet sich mit dem asthetischen Potential von Abstraktionen in den neuen Medien, wobei er ein freies Spielraum für Kontrasten und Farben, geometrischen Formen und grafischen Strukturen erweitert. In diesem Museum lädt er ein nach Feierabend Kunst erleben. Die Fuhrung kostet 3 Euro / Person.

Suppose a competitor has been passing off its business under your name and it’s costing you customers and sales but it’s hard to estimate the amount. Unless you act promptly, it may be too late to seek an injunction from the Court. If you think you have a claim against another party under a contract, a limitation period begins to run from the time the contract is breached and usually expires two years later. It’s not a good idea to leave the claim to the last minute.

If you have an issue with an employee who is working unacceptably, it’s important to develop a legal strategy as early as possible. The longer you wait, the more it may cost your business.

The short point here is that it is important to seek advice as soon you detect a problem and before anything has been done to make it worse. Crisis management is always more expensive and time-consuming than early response.