Water Tank Maintenance – Inspect, Clean, and Coat

Water tanks are an important part of a building’s infrastructure, and they require proper maintenance to function properly. Like other building components and systems, putting off maintenance on water tanks can result in problems that can be expensive to repair or even replace. It’s best to follow the recommended maintenance procedures to extend the life of a tank and save money in the long run.

Inspecting and Cleaning
Water tank maintenance begins with a thorough inspection. This includes checking the water tank for cracks, rust, and other damage to the structure as well as examining its site and location. The tank also needs to be drained and cleaned regularly. This can include flushing the interior to remove sediment that can corrode tank walls and flushing the outside to remove dirt, grime, and oil that build up over time.

This is a good time to consider adding new tank liners (find the perfect liner for your tank here), especially if yours have worn out. A new coating job should last between 20 and 25 years, Mumford says.

After the tank is sandblasted and painted, it’s inspected again. It’s also a good time to look at any corrosion spots and apply a protective coating. Some companies will inspect, paint, and maintain a tank for a set period of time, such as one year, for a fee. The cost of these services is a small price to pay to ensure the longevity and safety of your water tank.  water tank maintenance