Boiling Water and Chilled Water Taps

A regulated supply of chilled water for drinking, cooking, making formula or baby food, washing clothes, dishes and gardening reduces the need to buy expensive bottled water.

Australian made Billi taps dispense filtered chilled, sparkling and boiling water from a single appliance. They use premium filters and clever patented technology that recovers waste heat energy to preheat boiling water. Energy efficient with no cupboard ventilation required.

Boiling Water

There isn’t a day in our busy lives when we don’t need boiling water. Whether it’s for making the latest Ottolenghi recipe, cooking pasta or heating baby formula. With a Quooker you can enjoy hot water instantly rather than having to boil a kettle, leaving your stove top free and saving energy and time.

The Quooker system comes in a range of sizes to suit your home including the Pro3 with three litres, the Pro7 with seven litres and the Combi with both boiling and chilled water for the modern home. All systems feature a large stainless steel boiler, a robust glass lid, adjustable temperature controls and a knurled twist dial with a safety lock. The X series also features a sensor switch for automatic boiling and chilling, energy savings modes including 0.2 micron water filtration and a refillable CO2 cylinder.

It’s the perfect alternative to bottled water with advanced smart technology, beauty design and sustainable hydration. Our most popular model offers on demand boiling, chilled and sparkling water as well as unfiltered hot and cold sink water. It’s easy to use and features an intuitive user interface in either brushed chrome or cool matt black. Clever patented technology recycles the heat energy created by chilling water to reheat boiling water, reducing electricity usage and cost. It’s even designed to be space efficient with a compact footprint to fit the smallest of under bench spaces.

Chilled Water

Boiling water and chilled water taps offer filtered cold & boiling water at the touch of a button. Powered by an under bench unit, they are concealed and installed out of sight. They deliver instant filtered water, replacing the need for expensive bottled water, reducing plastic waste and saving energy.

Chilled water has been shown to improve health, increase hydration and aid in weight loss. This is because the body has to work harder to maintain the temperature of cold water compared to hot, which burns calories in the process.

While a common myth, it is not recommended to mix boiling and chilled water because the mixture would cancel out the effect of the gas or electricity used to heat up the water and cool it down. It’s also dangerous to consume boiled water that has been mixed with cold as the water is exposed to an increased risk of microorganisms and chemicals that may have been leached from plumbing such as lead or chlorine.

With the latest innovations, all in one systems like Zip HydroTap and Billi offer a single tap with a choice of boiling, chilled and sparkling water combinations from an under bench unit. These units are designed in Australia and have a minimal footprint to suit small spaces and come with premium filters, safety locks and splash free boiling water delivery that electronically varies the flow momentarily to eliminate splashing when pouring.

Sparkling Water

The perfect glass of chilled sparkling water is the ideal beverage for any occasion. It can also help to reduce the amount of plastic bottled water that is consumed, saving money and waste. Drinking filtered sparkling water can also have health benefits such as improved skin and weight loss.

A Zip HydroTap can help to remove the need for multiple appliances by supplying boiling, chilled and sparkling water from a single unit hidden under your bench. This provides a great solution for homes, offices and schools where there are multiple sinks. All in one drinking water systems are available in a range of styles and finishes, with different capacities to suit your needs.

Most all in one taps are supplied with a full range of features including 2 boiling water safety modes, energy saving functions, visual change reminder alarms and 0.2 micron filtration. They are also easy to maintain with easy access for filter changes. Billi systems have one of the smallest footprints on the market allowing you to use valuable under bench space. They are designed to be a beautiful feature of your kitchen and are available in a wide range of finishes.

Unlike traditional ice machines which can take up to 15 minutes to produce the desired volume of chilled water, our H2ONow under bench system uses instantaneous technology to quickly bring cold water to your glass. This is the quickest and most energy efficient way to get your chilled water.

Filtered Water

Having the option of chilled, filtered water on tap can make your staff and students happier, healthier and more productive. It eliminates the need for single use plastic bottles reducing waste, money and effort.

In addition, a customised system can provide pure-tasting drinking water that saves energy by not needing to heat and cool, meaning savings on electricity and gas costs. Adjustable temperature controls, regulated flow and effective insulation all reduce running costs making it more affordable than using bottled water.

When it comes to choosing the right size tap, determining the capacity required involves looking at the infrastructure of your organisation and understanding how it is used. The frequency of use is also key; will it be used sporadically or consistently throughout the day? The answer to these questions will impact the suitable capacity of your instant filtered water tap.

A common waterline break can leave you without access to boiling water for a short amount of time. It’s important to follow health and safety guidelines when this happens and boil your tap water before using (or utilising bottled water) for three minutes or until it has cooled. This will kill any bacteria and also help remove any harmful substances such as chlorine or heavy metals like lead. Running your tap water may also flush out any rust that has leached into plumbing, which can affect the taste of your drinking water. instant boiling water and chilled water tap