Medicine Services Robotics

The use of mechanical arms has the advantage of allowing a three dimensional view an image with more stops and to make the most delicate maneuvers purposes and also because the tools are articulated to the distal end. The disadvantage is related to the times longer operative and the difficulty of determining the strength (as can happen in giving the right tension to a surgeon’s knot),Guest Posting (Chirurgia robotica, Da Wikipedia). In the future it can be assumed that robotic surgery will allow, with the development of the experience, the spread of the equipment and improvement of telecommunication systems and data, to operate at ever greater distances. If you think that today, the space centers, you can operate the robots sent to the moon or farther away, it is not hard to believe that it will become usual to operate from side to side of the area, providing you with all the best and specific skills. In Grosseto (center of excellence), there is a school of robotics founded by Prof. Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti surgery, which trains general surgeons, urologists and gynecologists from the national and international territory (Fig. 1).

Thanks to the fruitful collaboration, the Urology of Grosseto, the first in central Italy, performing robotic radical prostatectomies, partial nephrectomies cystectomies robotic and robotic packaging with orthotopic ileal neobladder, becoming reference of Tuscany robotic urologic surgery. An important role is reserved for the robotic surgery in the treatment of mediastinal diseases and Myasthenia gravis, often associated with thymic hyperplasia, achieving almost identical to those obtained with a traditional open-air approcchio percentage of complete remission of the disease involving the longitudinal sternotomy median (Aversa et al., 2016 a-o, 2017 a-e).

The first surgical robot called da Vinci, in honor of Leonardo da Vinci, was developed in Silicon Valley by Intuitive Surgical and in 2000 he obtained the authorization of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in laparoscopic surgery. The da Vinci Surgical System (sic) is a robotic surgical system made by the American company Intuitive Surgical. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000, it is designed to facilitate complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach and is controlled by a surgeon from a console (Fig. 2a-b), (Da Vinci Surgical System, From Wikipedia). The system is commonly used for prostatectomies and increasingly for cardiac valve repair and gynecologic surgical procedures. According to the manufacturer, the da Vinci System is called “da Vinci” in part because Leonardo da Vinci’s “study of human anatomy eventually led to the design of the first known robot in history”, (Akubue, 2011).


The da Vinci Surgical System (Fig. 2a-b) of Intuitive Surgical is a robotic surgery system. It is used most commonly in the removal procedure of the prostate, heart valve replacement and in gynecological surgery procedures, but can also be used for any abdominal or thoracic surgical procedure. It consists of four robotic arms. Three of them are tools that keep objects such as scalpels, scissors, or Bovie electrocautery instruments. The fourth arm carries a camera with two lenses that allows the surgeon a complete stereoscopic vision from the console. The surgeon is sitting at a control panel and look through the crosshairs three-dimensional image of the procedure while maneuvering the arms with two pedals and two hand controls (Mirsayar et al., 2017).

The da Vinci Surgical System is normally used in the removal of the prostate, heart valve replacement and in gynecological surgery procedures. The da Vinci is an advantage in procedures that focus on a specific area of the abdomen or chest. The interventions that are not localized and which require extensive surgeon’s mobility to the different areas are particularly disadvantageous in consideration of the time required for the preparation of the apertures Da Vinci. Surgeons are also experimenting with the da Vinci for the removal of the tumor in the liver and pancreas in the light of the sensitivity of the procedure, the number of blood vessels that the surgeon has to handle and the topical location of the procedure.  tv installation